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off oil中文是什么意思

用"off oil"造句"off oil"怎么读"off oil" in a sentence


  • 不合格油品
  • 次等油
  • 等外油
  • 低级油


  • " keep off oil , or else it will perish your rubber boots .
  • Use : the product has a very good energy to take off oil trowel on the tableware , fruit , vegetable , and still has the effect redressing except the bacterial pesticide
  • Manufacturing technique of wax microcrystalline : with crude oil vacuum residua fractions as material , it is made from propane taking off asphaltum , furfural refining , ketone benzene taking off oil , and argil refining
  • Gas is relatively clean , but it is expensive and its main supplier , russia , has alarmed european countries by periodically choking off oil and gas supplies to those ( such as ukraine and belarus ) that fall out of favour
    天然气,尽管清洁但却不能让人们放心使用,一方面是价格昂贵,另外一方面是它经常被俄罗斯? ?欧洲天然气的主要供应者? ?用作外交斗争的武器来威胁别国(比如乌克兰和白俄罗斯) 。
用"off oil"造句  
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